Friday, September 6, 2013

Half A Year Til' Zero Hour

At this point I don't think a day passes that I don't think about the Appalachian Trail. I read books about it. I read other people's blogs about it. I watch YouTube clips about it. I am a part of the official 2014 Thru-hiker's Facebook page and a fan of the A.T. Guide's Facebook page. It is easy for me to get excited while reading stories from the Trail or watching endless videos of thru-hikers' gear or of the scenery. My wife and I have also watched the National Geographic video on the Appalachian Trail. A lot of these stories and video may not be very interesting to most people, but for all thru-hikers-to-be they are fascinating! Some days I spend hours perusing blogs and videos. I noticed some bloggers have included a countdown meter on a sidebar which, I can imagine, must be very exciting to see as the numbers dwindle away. My wife and I have decided to leave in March, preferably earlier rather than later, but not the 1st or a weekend so things won't be TOO crowded. Since thousands attempt a thru-hike, and most are hiking from Georgia to Maine, the Trail is extremely crowded at the beginning. Everyone has a small window of time to begin hiking in order to make it in time before Baxter State Park, where the northern terminus of the AT is, closes. Most hikers begin in March or April. We don't have a date set in stone yet though, so we can't have a fancy countdown!

Anyway, in case you've thought I've become too philosophical and serious with my recent posts, I'm posting a video made by a young couple who thru-hiked in 2012. The video is very inspirational and my wife and I have watched it at least twice together. It really excites us for our time on the Trail! Enjoy!

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