Saturday, May 17, 2014


Day 56

We woke up and after a couple of miles climbed the big Brush Mountain where there was a memorial to Audie Murphy, the most decorated American soldier of WWII, who died in an airplane crash nearby. There were also some cans of beer on the ground near the momument we enjoyed. We then walked across the ridge and down the mountain. The next mountain climb was gradual and rocky, but we still went very slow, tired from yesterday's hike. At the top of Cove Mountain were monoliths, which are massive single stones, known as Dragon's Teeth. We climbed on top of the biggest one for the views and photos. From there we had a steep rock scramble down. We had to use our hands a lot and at some parts they had metal rods stuck in the rock to form ladders. It was fun, but slow, and felt like bouldering. When the path became normal we passed through woods where rhododendron bushes were blooming and down to Newport Road where we walked down the road to the Four Pines Hostel which was just a big three bay garage on a man's farm. Inside the hostel it was very cluttered and smelly. On one side was a line of old Army cots and one bed covered with hikers' gear strewn all over them. A couple of hikers were still sleeping in them even though it was evening. In the middle of the room was a table with several old tattered couches. Other desks and tables and chairs were everywhere covered with tools, books, and other junk. There were also two fridges and a few microwaves. In the corner was a small bathroom where we took showers with used towels. Most of the hikers sat outside on benches talking and playing cornhole. It was a donation only place and the owner was very relaxed. He spent most of the time telling tales to the hikers outside and let anyone with a license drive an old blue van to the local convienance store. We rode with some cross country bicyclists who were also there to resupply and get some pizza for dinner. Since all the cots and the bed were taken they were sleeping in the barn behind the hostel. They offered to let us sleep there as well. The walls of the barn were lined with plywood where we could sleep, but Nepsis and I didn't fit together on it so we had to seperate. She had the quilt and I used my down jacket as a blanket. We tried to sleep despite the fact that there was a giant, loud fan right above us.

Miles hiked today: 16.8 Total AT miles completed: 698.3 Total AT miles left to hike: 1487

Day 57

I couldn't sleep because the fan made me too cold and Nepsis couldn't sleep because the fan was too loud. After trying for a couple of hours we finally gave up and took our sleeping gear outside for some cowboy camping. It took me awhile to fall asleep even then, and when we did wake up very early our sleeping quilt was wet with dew. We got up and ate leftover pizza for breakfast. When we left to get back to hiking, only one other thruhiker was awake. We walked a couple of miles and passed the 700 mile mark. It was pretty easy going up Catawba Mountain to McAfee Knob where there were great views and photo opportunities on cliffs that stuck out. This is the most photographed place on the whole Appalachian Trail. Dark clouds were forming so we hiked fast down the mountain and had lunch at a shelter before it rained. We left just as the rain stopped and hiked a few miles before going up a small mountain. At the top we hiked for a half mile along the Tinker Cliffs which also had great views. Just down the mountain we spent the night at Lamberts Meadow Shelter.

Miles hiked today: 16.3 mi Total AT miles completed: 714.6 Total AT miles left to hike: 1470.7

Day 58

We woke up early and rushed along through an easy, though sometimes rocky, nine miles down to the town of Daleville. Just before arriving it began to pour rain, but luckily there was a hotel right where the AT entered the town. We checked in for two nights and cleaned ourselves up before heading to an AYCE pizza buffet for lunch. Later we went to Kroger to buy some cereal, a gallon of milk, a gallon of chocolate milk, a large bottle of root beer, and a carton of white grape juice. These are all things I'd been craving the past few days. Other than those two outings and doing laundry at the hotel, we stayed in the room all day and watched whatever was on television. I also started writing this blog post and started sending ourselves all of the photos we've taken so far to our email just in case something happens to our Smartphone.

Miles hiked today: 9.4 Total AT miles completed: 724 Total AT miles left to hike: 1461.3

Day 59

We woke up for our zero day and went to eat continental breakfast. Dawg was there and he told us that couple did take him back to their home and he had a wonderful time eating home cooked meals, drinking moonshine, and resting. After breakfast we went back to the room to relax with more television, blog writing, and photo sending. This is pretty much what we did all day. Around lunch we went to a coffee shop and an outfitter to buy a new pocket knife and sock liners for Nepsis. We resupplied at Kroger, ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and spent the rest of our time in our room. Later in the day we found North Star in the lobby and invited him to share our room since all the hotels in town were fully booked.


  1. So excited to see you all in a few weeks!! -Fowler

  2. That last picture lol Adam looks like a sloth!
